Skin & Body

10 best advantages and usage of Vaseline in daily life

Vaseline makes your skin soft and smooth due to its moisturizing and calming properties. It helps to restore and maintain healthy skin tone, firmness and elasticity in oily and acne-prone skin. You may find it useful for dry and stretchy skin. Apply Vaseline on the affected area several times a day to help heal the skin and get rid of pimples.

2. Aids with Weight Loss:

Vaseline acts as an appetite suppressant by helping to slow down digestion so that your body can burn more sugar while at rest. By having less food in the stomach, you experience fewer cravings for unhealthy foods. When eating becomes easier, you will be more likely to eat out.

3. Prevents Pregnancy Pain:


Your uterus is made up of nerves and muscles. These two organs are sensitive to pain, thus if they become injured during pregnancy, this can cause intense pain that affects your overall health. As a result, if you have any signs or symptoms of pain during pregnancy, consult your doctor about taking anti-nausea medicine. To reduce this side effect of pregnant cramps, apply Vaseline before going into labour to prevent severe pains from occurring.

4. Useful for Headaches:

Some people experience migraines from time to time, but not everyone experiences them all the time. If you do not have migraine attacks in a long term period, apply Vaseline on the forehead twice a day to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines. Also, you may be advised to take certain medicines such as lorazepam (for chronic headaches). This treatment not only reduces the frequency and severity of these pains but also allows your brain to heal itself after experiencing those same painful experiences.                                                                                             Many people recommend applying Vaseline on the head to relieve nausea that occurs after chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Some people also find relief from migraines, which can also go away if someone applies Vaseline before they begin using some prescribed medications including clopidogrel (for managing blood clots in the heart) or warfarin (to control bleeding after surgery).


5. Helps With Blood Pressure Control:


Vaseline acts like a diuretic because it removes excess fluid from the body through sweating as well as urine. If you find yourself suffering from high blood pressure, you should try applying Vaseline for 30 minutes prior to getting on your next dose of medication or when you are supposed to be exercising. Doing this regularly can lower hypertension in the long run and even ease anxiety and depression.

6. Improves Eyesight:

If you have weak eyesight you may want to consider investing in one of the top selling eye drops called ‘Vaseline ophthalmic solution’. The product has been shown in studies to improve vision and reduce the number of dark circles under your eyes, especially for those who wear contact lenses. You should always visit your optician if you notice your eyes becoming red, swollen or yellowish due to allergies or other things happening inside your eyes. They can sometimes treat the cause of your issue by offering you topical treatments like Vaseline over your eyes to treat eye infections such as conjunctivitis and impetigo.

7. Reduces Cholesterol Levels:

When cholesterol levels are too high in the blood, arteries and veins cannot receive the oxygen and nutrients needed throughout your body and can result in serious health complications, usually referred to as cardiovascular disease. Over time, this can lead to conditions like coronary artery disease and other heart diseases. There are different ways in which Vaseline can help lower cholesterol.                                                                                                                   First, the vasoconstrictor helps to stop cholesterol from being absorbed by the vessels. Secondly, the vasolvaso-constrictor helps to stop the lipase enzyme from reacting with cholesterol. Finally, Vaseline assists the liver by eliminating toxins resulting from elevated triglycerides in the bloodstream.                                                                      If you have problems with high cholesterol, make sure to follow your healthcare provider’s advice by consulting him/her and see how effective the Vaseline is at reducing high cholesterol. Do not use Vaseline every day because doing so will increase the risk of high cholesterol. Take it every few days if you have higher than normal cholesterol.


8. Relieves Migraine Symptoms:

Migraine can occur due to inflammation in the brain or a change in the production and function of chemicals called neurotransmitters. While doctors are still working on figuring out exactly what causes migraine, they know that the best way to alleviate the condition is to use preventive measures that minimize the likelihood of triggers. One of the easiest things you can do is stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and using illicit drugs, all of which can affect the quality of your headache and contribute to increased migraine frequency and severity.                                                           Taking prescription meds that contain tyrosine and norepinephrine can aid you with relieving migraine symptoms, particularly if they cause sensitivity to light, noise, taste or odour as well as dizziness when taken over-the-counter or self-medicated. Make sure to note that treating migraines for longer periods of time should not be done without consulting your doctor and that they need to be reviewed by your physician every 4-6 weeks.

9. Increases Bone Strength:

This means that you are strengthening bones in the face, legs, arms and hips, as well as your back for a better posture and better mobility. All of these happen because your brain releases endorphins when pain and stress end and is released in muscle tissues where it works directly to build strength for improved physical performance. Keeping your bone mass strong can reduce the chances of osteoporosis later in life. This means that you may consider purchasing the Vaseline Osteogel Osteoskin System from BIO-BUSINESS to strengthen your bones. As you build the right amount of bone mass, your bone density will increase.

10. Helpful During Periods:

Most women should be able to cope with regular menstrual cycles for about 5 years and men have normal periods for a total of 7 years. However, there can be an imbalance between periods and the periods may stop or go on for longer than normal. The reason for this could be any of the following: hormonal changes, dietary restrictions, medications or infection.                                                                                                                                                                 If you believe you may be suffering from prolonged menstruation, talk to your healthcare provider to learn more. Most importantly, use Vaseline just before the start or finish of your most recent period. Apply a small amount of Vaseline to your nipples for 2-3 minutes and then rinse it off immediately without rubbing it in too hard. Don’t forget to take a shower as soon as possible after washing out your nails.                                                                                     Not only will Vaseline give your nail an extra boost of shine but it can help you avoid the uncomfortable sensation of dry or cracked fingernails during your periods, which can interfere with your period time at work and home. Always apply Vaseline to the base of your nails, which is the portion that goes underneath each nail. That way whenever you come into contact with your fingers, you don’t get irritated and rubs off and your hands don’t feel sticky after.

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