Food & Diet

How popular detox diets impact health

There are many different types of diets out there regarding how you can maintain or lose weight. One that comes to mind, and has become a very common form of advice, which includes fasting for 2-3 weeks and eating nothing but organic fruits and vegetables, may be detox diets. Some experts say this plan is effective. But is it really working or have some people gone along with such an idea? 

Many people believe that you should stay away from toxic foods and junk foods and instead focus on healthy, wholesome food choices. This could be true in theory but what about the practical side of things? Is it possible to follow this advice without any harmful implications? Let’s find out.

A detox diet is simply a form of dieting. “The main goal of most fast-detox diets is to lose weight quickly by drastically cutting calories and eating more carbohydrates, especially high-fiber carbohydrates,”

  • The majority of nutrition experts.
  • Support the use of these kinds of diets, even if they don’t recommend them for everyone. There are also several other diets like those listed below that are not so much dieting but are more focused on reducing certain nutrient deficiencies
  • They also tend to be designed to help you reach more specific nutritional goals like lowering blood pressure, improving memory and brain function, lowering cholesterol levels and lowering risk factors associated with cancer and diabetes, among others.
  • Another popular diet type involves consuming minimal amounts of calorie-dense, highly processed foods like fatty meats and sugar. Usually, this results in losing a large amount of water in the body. In addition, these foods contain a lot of empty calories that contribute to obesity
  • Among other issues. Another type involves limiting fat intake to no more than 30% of total calories. Of course, this diet plan doesn’t have anything to do with health, only weight loss. It should also be noted that all fast-detox diets
  •  Often involve intense exercise and the combination of dietary restrictions that are mentioned above. While some detox diet plans require participants to abstain from alcohol and smoking, others do not specify anything. Regardless, all of these diets do come with their own set of risks with regards to heart disease, kidney disease and more.

What Are Detox Foods And Foods To Avoid?

The term “detox diet” refers to restricting foods that will cause adverse effects, such as excess fat, sugar or salt, which would lead to negative consequences with regards to your body. 

These include:


  •  Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Saturated fats
  • Salt
  • Processed carbs
  • It has been said that “eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and grains is good for us, as our bodies need a varied source of nutrients to function properly,” 
  •  When consumed in adequate quantities, each one of these items will provide you with numerous vitamins and minerals that your body needs to thrive and protect itself against diseases and health concerns. However, when they are eaten excessively, these nutrients become deficient 
  • Even mild deficiencies may result in symptoms such as nausea, dizziness and weakness. Other examples include low energy, fatigue, sluggishness, headaches, dry skin, dry hair, insomnia and irritability. You may experience various adverse effects if high doses of either processed foods or refined sugars are overconsumed. If people eat too much of either of the two items, then it can raise risks of developing certain chronic conditions like coronary heart disease 
  • Prostate cancer
  •  Certain types of breast cancer 
  • Colon cancer
  • Gastrointestinal cancers
  • Among others 
  • As well, these substances act as stimulants and endorphins for the central nervous system and hormone release and therefore can cause feelings of euphoria and dopamine that make individuals feel happy and relaxed. For example, sweetened beverages, such as soft drinks, soda or fruit juices, have been linked to overeating. People who consume lots of added sugar feel hungrier and crave snacks. 
  • On the flipside, refined carbohydrates tend to cause indigestion, gas and flatulence. Although processed products are not always bad for the body, it is important not to go too far over the recommended daily limits of added sugars. For instance, adding 5-6 teaspoons of instant white rice contains more than 100 calories. Most people would want to limit the amount of sugary snacks they consume per day
  •  That is why many people have found it useful to reduce their intake of processed foods. Similarly, it is essential to try to avoid foods that contain artificial colors and flavors, additives or preservatives. For instance, if someone wants to cut down on red meat, canned tuna, hot dogs and ham should be avoided.
  •  Instead of going to the grocery store, many people choose to purchase fresh, natural, whole foods. These may include beef jerky, chicken thighs, lamb chops and pork without any extra ingredients. Eating whole foods not only reduces the chances of getting sick, but also helps to enhance nutrients and prevent health problems.

Should I Be Following A Natural Food Diet Plan Or A Fast-Detox Diet?

A natural food diet plan may be considered easier and simpler. Unlike fast-detox diets, which are usually very intense and extensive and require strict adherence to a restrictive schedule, natural food plans take care of your lifestyle, but allow you to enjoy food without restrictions. By following a natural food plan, you can still enjoy nutritious foods without compromising on flavor and texture. However, it can be difficult to stick to regular habits. Sometimes, people fail to recognize and replace their favorite meals because they become routine. Besides, many diets are also very expensive and some people may not qualify for them, making them unaffordable.


However, for some, a food plan may be a must. For instance, if you don’t have time to cook a meal at home every single day, having ready-made food (like lasagna or tacos) made in advance can be a great way to ensure that you get enough nutrients on the table. Also, if you’re trying out a new diet, you might feel uneasy at first. But remember to keep a positive attitude, and eventually, sticking with it.

 According to Dr. Mark Plati, author of 7 Steps to Living Longer & Happier From Day 1, “Many things that we do as humans add up to long lives. Eat right, exercise regularly, quit smoking, and get enough sleep. These are all things that can help you live longer”. “If you can do everything else, you’re doing pretty well—and that’s something to celebrate,” he advises With proper planning, eating enough fruits and vegetables, consuming enough fiber, avoiding excessive caffeine and drinking plenty of water. Consuming less processed foods and fewer refined goods also greatly improves your health. So there’s definitely no harm in trying a few alternatives to traditional diets.


Why Is My Body Trying To Lose Weight Naturally?

 We all know weight loss is complex, takes time and effort and requires careful consideration of your circumstances. The number of calories that you burn varies depending on multiple factors including age, sex, how active you are and how likely you are to gain muscle mass. Your metabolism rate depends on genetics and hormones as well as your current weight, activity level and overall health. You should do a weight loss assessment before beginning any kind of program. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine the best plan for you.


Types Of Low-Calorie Diets: What Are Them & Can I Try Any Online Program Like Them?

Low-calorie options may not be available to all as some are nutritionally incomplete while others are not as beneficial as advertised. Certain groups of people need to lower their calorie intake or lose weight faster while maintaining other aspects of their lifestyle like dietary requirements or medical conditions. Below are some weight loss programs that are often sold online.


GNC (GoNc, GoNcLose) – GNC claims that their programs are free and easy to follow; however, they do offer limited benefits at times. Their workouts are very aggressive and intense, and they claim that your progress can last months. You must commit to a four-week course that requires intensive training and diet changes. During this time, you will lose weight gradually and naturally. Although they advertise that you can train once per week for an additional three minutes, most trainers say it is not realistic to expect to see quick results. Still, if you stick with them, you may soon notice an improvement in your quality of life.


– GNC claims that their programs are free and easy to follow; however, they do offer limited benefits at times. Their workouts are very aggressive and intense, and they claim that your progress can last months. You must commit to a four-week course that requires intensive training and diet changes. During this time, you will lose weight gradually and naturally. 

Although they advertise that you can train once per week for an additional three minutes, most trainers say it is not realistic to expect to see quick results. Still, if you stick with them, you may soon notice an improvement in your quality of life. KETO (Keto For Life!) Keto is the name given to an advanced ketogenic diet. Its goal is to restrict carbohydrates or fats intake in order to lose weight with low blood sugar spikes. 

This kind of diet is intended for athletes, marathoners and bodybuilders. Since Keto is meant for short periods of three to six days, it can only be followed under controlled circumstances. However, because they use technology to track their macronutrients intake, they tend to offer a more accurate estimate on how much fat is in your body. 

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